How to Keep Your Retainers CleanMar 11, 2025Ever popped in your retainer only to be hit with a not-so-fresh taste? Yikes! A dirty retainer isn’t just gross—it can harm your general health. The good news? You can make sure that doesn't happen ever again. Continue reading →
Floss, Brush, Mouthwash: What's the Right Order?Mar 11, 2025Flossing, brushing, and mouthwash: They all play a big role in oral health care, but remembering the right order can be confusing. Here, we explain how expert-backed recommendations make it easy.Continue reading →
A Closer Look at Holistic DentistryFeb 11, 2025Holistic dentistry is a unique hybrid of natural methods and advanced technology. Learn how it can improve your oral health while prioritizing your whole-person health.Continue reading →
Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Dentistry?Feb 05, 2025Looking for a modern, gentle approach to dental care that prioritizes your comfort? Laser dentistry is a minimally invasive solution with many oral health applications, from gum disease treatment to filling cavities.Continue reading →
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Missing Tooth Jan 16, 2025A missing tooth might not seem too serious — it’s just a gap in your smile, right? Unfortunately, that’s just not true. A missing tooth has far-reaching effects on your whole mouth, general wellness, and self-confidence. Learn more here.Continue reading →
Greet The New Year With White, Bright TeethJan 14, 2025The new year should be a time for celebration and joy, not a time to hide your smile behind your hands. Zoom!® teeth whitening offers safe, effective teeth whitening — up to eight shades whiter in under an hour — from our highly trained dentists.Continue reading →
I Have Gapped Teeth: Is Invisalign Right for Me?Dec 12, 2024Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and feeling confident in it can make all the difference. If a gap in your teeth is holding you back, Invisalign® could be the simple solution to help you feel proud to show off your smile.Continue reading →
4 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for a More Radiant SmileDec 02, 2024Everyone deserves to feel confident in their smile, yet not everyone is happy with theirs. Cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you dream of with minimal time in the dental chair. Learn more here.Continue reading →
How to Floss Your Way to Healthier GumsNov 11, 2024Flossing is more than just a quick clean—it’s a critical aspect of maintaining healthy gums. Unfortunately, many people who have good brushing habits forget to floss — and that can have serious consequences for your gums. Continue reading →
How Long Does Restorative Dental Treatment Take?Oct 18, 2024With restorative dental treatment, one of the most common questions is, "How long does it take?" Whether you're dealing with a chipped tooth or need a full arch restoration, today’s advanced restorative dentistry procedures offer rapid solutions.Continue reading →
5 Popular Benefits of Holistic Dentistry Sep 17, 2024Your mouth isn’t an isolated part of your body, it’s part of a group of interconnected systems that all influence each other. Holistic dentistry recognizes these connections and uses the safest, most natural treatment methods. Continue reading →
How to Keep Your Braces Clean Aug 12, 2024Are you just starting out with your orthodontics care and want to ensure your treatment succeeds? Keeping your braces clean is one of the most important things you can do in that regard. Continue reading →
What Happens After Your Invisalign® Treatment Jul 26, 2024When you’re in the midst of your Invisalign® treatment, you’re probably focused on how beautiful your smile will be at the end. But, as the end draws ever closer, you might start to wonder something else: After Invisalign, what happens next?Continue reading →
5 Reasons to Choose Veneers to Boost Your SmileJun 20, 2024 Many Americans say that improving their smile is the first cosmetic change they’d like to make for themselves. If you feel less-than-happy or embarrassed by your smile, veneers could be just the boost you’re looking for. Continue reading →
What Can I Do to Maintain My Zoom!® Whitening Results?May 02, 2024A beautiful white smile can boost your confidence. Zoom!® WhiteSpeed teeth whitening can give you much whiter teeth — and it doesn’t have to be temporary. Here are some steps you can take to maintain your bright new smile longer.Continue reading →
4 Essential Benefits of Non-Metal Dental ImplantsApr 03, 2024Dental implants are usually made of metal but there are alternatives. Learn more about the benefits of non-metal dental implants.Continue reading →
What Can Fix a Broken Tooth?Mar 20, 2024If you break a tooth, you may start to panic. Stay calm and learn about how we can fix it.Continue reading →
How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?Feb 07, 2024You may know you have sleep apnea if you snore. But additional symptoms can offer a good clue. Learn more here. Continue reading →
I Have Metal Amalgam Fillings: Is That OK?Jan 25, 2024If you have metal amalgam fillings in your mouth, you may wonder if that’s okay. Here’s what you should know.Continue reading →
4 Ways to Prevent Gum DiseaseDec 05, 2023Gum disease is painful, but it’s also preventable. Learn more about how to prevent gum disease.Continue reading →
I Have Dental Phobia: Is Laser Dentistry a Better Option For Me?Nov 15, 2023If you hate going to the dentist, you’re not alone. Laser dentistry may provide the solution to allow you to get dental work without fear. Continue reading →
Can Sleep Apnea Put My Health in Danger?Oct 02, 2023If you have sleep apnea, it’s more than just a nuisance that prevents you from getting a full night’s rest. Learn more about the ways sleep apnea affects your health. Continue reading →
What Are the Benefits of Removing Metal Fillings?Sep 01, 2023Although FDA-approved, metal fillings are controversial because of their mercury content. Here are some benefits of removing metal fillings through the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART).Continue reading →
How is Tooth Decay Removed with Laser Dentistry?Aug 01, 2023The use of lasers is transforming dentistry. Learn more about how laser dentistry can remove tooth decay and improve your smile.Continue reading →
Why Dental Implants Are So SturdyJul 01, 2023Dental implants are every bit as sturdy as natural teeth. Learn more about why dental implants are so durable and when you should consider getting one.Continue reading →
How Often Do I Really Need to Floss?Jun 01, 2023Many people struggle to floss their teeth regularly. If you’re one of them, you may be wondering how often you really need to do it. Keep reading for the answer.Continue reading →
Am I a Candidate for All-on-4 Dental Implants?May 02, 2023Want a complete set of new teeth in just one day? All-on-4® dental implants can achieve just that. Read on to learn about this transformational procedure and whether you’re a candidate.Continue reading →
3 Benefits of Veneers Over Tooth WhiteningApr 02, 2023Veneers have a lot of advantages over tooth whitening. Learn more about why veneers might be better than tooth whitening. Continue reading →
Does Excessive Snoring Always Mean Sleep Apnea?Mar 06, 2023Excessive snoring is an unusual symptom and many people think it means you have sleep apnea. Learn more about why this may not be the case.Continue reading →
9 New Year’s Resolutions to Ensure Optimal Oral HealthFeb 17, 2023One of the best resolutions you can make is to take better care of your teeth. Learn more about what you can do to improve your oral health.Continue reading →
Look Younger Instantly with a Professional Zoom Whitening TreatmentJan 11, 2023Whitening your teeth can take years off of your appearance. Learn more about the benefits of a professional Zoom!® whitening treatment.Continue reading →
What is a Deep Dental Cleaning and Why Would I Need One?Dec 13, 2022Getting a deep dental cleaning may be a new experience for you but it’s nothing to fear. Learn more about why you may need one.Continue reading →
Why We Recommend Metal-Free Zirconia Dental ImplantsNov 16, 2022Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Most implants use titanium posts, but zirconia implants offer a number of benefits. Learn more about metal-free zirconia implants and find out if they’re a good option for you. Continue reading →